Gaza and its Defenders and Enemies:
The Situation Producing This Essay
I read Theodor Herzl’s 1896 pamphlet, Der Judenstaat (“The Jewish State”), in 2013. I have many more quotes from this German text than the few selected here. I must say that I had no use for the man, either as an intellectual or as a leader for people. My work I kept in my files, and some writings about the history of Middle East conflicts.
However, when 11 October 2023 occurred, and then the world has had its daily blasts of “justifications” and “explanations” and every kind of comment from the Zionist State of Israel (called “Zionist” because the Israeli Knesset informed ALL Israelis that the State WAS AND FOREVER WOULD BE Zionist, in its Herzl Law of 29 June 2004, discussed below), I knew I had to bring at least ONE quote out before the Nations of the world, especially for my own, United States of America: “Quote 6” out of the ten offered below.
Surely Theodor Herzl’s own 1896 prescription for how Zionists were to deal with resistant Arabs is important: “We will go on a happy hunting party, round up the beasts, then drop a bomb on them.” However, if Zionists are to obey his prescription, then it is incorrect to say that Zionists have obeyed him by going on a happy hunting party and rounding up pregnant women, newborn babies, sick babies and children and others of all ages, the disabled and elderly, mentally disabled, and all noncombatants. All these are NOT resistant. They are seeking to live day by day. So that is one fundamental point of criticism from Herzl himself.
For many reasons not stated here, I believe there are persons–who believe themselves immune from harm–driving the world to World War 3. But my belief is irrelevant, because unless there is one of those few historical miracles–where a single person appears to do the unexpected–the Architects of Death have no fear of war. I cite Pindar of Thebes’ statement about war, given 500 years before the Jew I love, Jesus:

War is sweet to the inexperienced
but gives a heart attack to those who know it well
and see it even approaching
γλυκύ δ᾽ἀπείρῳ πόλεμος
πεπειραμένων δέ τις ταρβεῖ προσιόντα νιν καρδία περισσῶς
The Ten Quotes in this essay are titled with summaries based on the German texts. I could have offered a hundred or three. These are intended to illustrate a few important things about his idea about non-Jews (like myself), about the purpose of the Jewish State, about the Zionist manipulation of non-Jewish Western governments “to guarantee the State’s existence,” and more and more of less interest to either Israelis or Americans who support the “Zionist State of Israel.”
At the end of the quotes, which are presented in their original German, followed by my translations (surely imperfect), and then by some historical notes and observations–which are not abusive but based on all my readings of Herzl’s original writings that I own–then I will discuss my FOUR MOTIVES for this essay. Jews, Christians, Muslims, and anyone else will learn much about this historian from those four motives.
Before proceeding to the Ten Quotes, it is important to set the context with Theodor Herzl’s LONG significance for the State of Israel. That must be put into the foreground. Then I have some framing thoughts before the Ten Quotes, because these all are related to our events, issues, and situation today.
Theodor Hertzl
“Spiritual Father of the Jewish State”
Knesset-Legislated Eternal Force Within Israel
Herzl: Spiritual Father of Israel. On 14 May 1948, a group of Zionist Jews met in Tel Aviv to present to the world their Declaration of Independence. High above and behind them on the curtain was a very large picture of a man. If any non-Jew did not know who this man was, he was the first and only person named in the official text of the Declaration, in paragraph four:
In the year 5657 (1897), at the summons of the spiritual father of the Jewish State, Theodore Herzl, the First Zionist Congress convened and proclaimed the right of the Jewish people to national rebirth in its own country.
Theodor Herzl was and is enshrined as “the spiritual father of the Jewish State” in that historic document, and all the signatories of the Declaration were his Zionist children. Fifty-six years later, Herzl was elevated from a central historic figure, to a much higher place of Legal Authority over all Israelis and the Jewish State, in every generation, mandated by national law.
Herzl: Forever the Legal Compass for Israelis and Israel. On 29 June 2004, the Knesset, the legislative body of the State of Israel, passed The Herzl Law . I have attempted to find the minutes on the discussion and debates, if there were any. Here are the “Goals of the Law” which you may read in the previous link to the Knesset website:
The goals of this law are to bequeath Binyamin Zeev Herzl’s vision, heritage, and achievements for generations, to commemorate him, and to bring about the education of future generations, and the structuring of the State of Israel, its institutions, goals and image in accordance with his Zionist vision.
It is important to consider the elements of this law, from a neutral analysis, particularly since the Jewish State has no Constitution (intentional, since Jews are famous for their legal acumen). Consider the “Goals” of the Herzl Law.
- “Education of future generations” – Herzl’s words and work are mandated for honor, celebration, study, reflection, discussion, and action, every year, for the Israeli Defense Forces and Israeli schools. Israelis from birth to the grave are to see themselves through Herzl-lenses. The Herzl Law ensures ideological homogeneity for Israelis, and rightly so, because the State of Israel is a Zionist State, with origins in the mind of Theodor Herzl. Since education includes history, Israeli children may learn of the history of Zionist assassinations of two fellow Jews. (1) Jacob Israël de Haan was a Zionist who moved from the Netherlands to work for Zionism. He saw what was happening to Arabs. He began to meet with them. He began to defend them. Zionists shot him dead. The order kill de Haan was given by Yitzhak Zvi, the Zionist who later became the longest-serving Israeli President. (2) Yitzhak Rabin was a Zionist with the Perfect Zionist resume. He was a youth-volunteer for the Zionist paramilitary organization, Haganah. He served 27 years with the IDF. He rose to its highest rank, Rav Aluf. He was twice elected Prime Minister. He had been the Zionist Ambassador to the United States. THEN, this Zionist decided enough murder had happened, on both sides. He then won the Nobel Peace Prize. Read his Laureate lecture, a tender and moving world-embracing lecture. It was THIS ZIONIST who was shot in the back by a Zionist Israeli, who hated this esteemed Zionist for his work for Peace. This murder was done at a Peace Rally celebrating permanent peace with Arabs.Hear Rabin’s last speech at that rally, here. Rabin’s grieving widow blamed Netanyahu for fanning the hate that killed her beloved and honored husband. It is certain that today’s young Israelis do NOT hear these murders–and how the murderers rose to Zionist power, in their Zionist government–in their history lessons. Because the U.S. Congress can be bought, both parties do not really care they are in bed with the Israeli regime giving so much money under the table.
- “Structuring the State” – Herzl’s writings help explain his mentality, which shapes the Israeli mentality, which then creates Israeli domestic and foreign policies. Zionism includes a historic Assassination policy of Zionists killing Jews. It began in 1924 with a Zionist shot by Zionists for opposing how Arabs were treated–then infamously continued in 1995 when the Prime Minister was shot at a peace rally by a Zionist opposed to permanent peace with the Arabs. Murder called something else is one foundation of the structure of the Jewish State. The Mosaic command against killing in Hebrew means, “Do not kill a fellow Jew.” Herzl’s atheism contributed to the structures of the Jewish state. However, rabbis like Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935) found Zionism useful, although Orthodox rabbis like Aharon Rokeach, Shaul Brach, and many others, condemned Kook as an evil man polluting Judaism and its youth.
- “Goals and Image” – Zionist Israel is a Herzl-centered, Herzl-educated, Herzl-institutionalized, Herzl-driven Nation. At least once a year, all Israelis are reminded of what Zionist Nation they live in, WHO they need to learn and emulate. The Hertzl Law requires the Israeli Defense Forces to study and learn from him. Chapter D, Item 11, states, “…the IDF and the schools shall hold educational and value oriented activities to advance the goals of this law….” It is completely fair to say that the IDF is a manifestation of Herzl, and that the global “image” of the Zionist State will continue to be shaped by IDF military violence against innocent peoples–throughout the Middle East–which by definition is the military power of Zionism carrying out its goals. This is irrefutable. The world is not Zionist, and the Zionist State has created its global image by pursuing its goals, which are derived from Theodor Herzl.
Of GREATEST significance is the fact that the Jewish State has no Constitution, only a list of Thirteen Basic Laws, the eleventh which, interestingly enough, is the Basic Law of Human Dignity and Liberty (17 March 1992). Instead of a national law like the American Constitution, which has Ten Amendments called the “Bill of Rights” that officially protect Americans and everyone else legally in the Nation (though “legally” discontinued with the bastard “Patriot Act”), the Knesset legislated the words of Theodor Herzl into what the Knesset is mandated for all Israelis for all time.
Framing Thoughts for the Quotes
Questions Readers May Ask After the Quotes. Perhaps, when you read the sampled quotes, you will at least reflect, if not ask questions, about the mind and values of the “spiritual father of the Jewish State.” Then, perhaps you will ask, along with a non-Jew like me, whether or not the Knesset has codified his words into something (in my opinion) HIGHER than the Basic Laws. All Israelis annually must study, learn, discuss, and apply for the future Theodor Herzl’s words, specifically stated in law, for the State’s education, structure, goals, and image. Since 2004, at least–twenty years ago–what Arabs have experienced, and what the world sees now in 2024, must be the fruits of the Knesset’s mandating Herzl’s ideas from cradle to grave has ensured that that what we see today is the “children of the Father” carrying out his orders from 1896 in Der Judenstaat.
All Islam Ready to Obey Moses. All of Islam now is united, grieving, watching, and ready to obey Moses’ famous law: “An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth” (Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; and Deuteronomy 19:21). Since the most Orthodox Jews believe that, they will understand the Muslim responses from now on, and forever unto what the Christians call, The Day of Judgment. Perhaps Israelis will decide to repent of what they have done–since they have been modeling Herzl not in ignorance but by intention. Perhaps they will decide to abandon him, rescind the Herzl Law, and decide to find another Jew who does not consider all non-Jews “Anti-Semites” (Quote #1). At any rate, it is ironic that Herzl’s policy laid down in 1896–one of the constituent parts of his foundational document, Der Judenstaat–is now legally mandated for study, institutional development, and is seen clearly in operation today, and that, legislated for all time. What this means, ironically, is that all Israelis–and likely American Zionists both Jewish and Christian–will get the personal learning experience of how Muslims interpret and apply Moses’ clear principle, “eye for eye, tooth for tooth.” Muslims are not Jewish, nor are they the “Chosen People,” though at this point all Muslims will be pleased to to apply a Mosaic concept of justice, to the Children of Herzl–in Israel and in America, and elsewhere–who chose to read, learn, affirm, implement and not reject his extermination policy. I believe the Americans will get a real taste of what their billions, and all their propaganda also costing billions, will cost for supporting “the only democracy, our greatest friends, in the Middle East.”
One Jew Can Help the Jews. As one who loves another Jew, Jesus, I believe the Zionists would benefit immediately from learning some lessons from him. More than half the world–Christians and Muslims–love him, so learning from him would put Zionists in a different light. Of course, the atheist Herzl did not ever mention Moses nor the Prophets nor Jesus, not that I have found yet. Jesus universalized God’s love for all people. Today is the Fourth of July in America, when people here think about The Declaration of Independence, where in Paragraph 2 we read: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights….” Creator. ALL. Persons. Equal. Though not in the U.S. Constitution–where it ought to be–this is one of the earliest statements that has called immigrants to the American shores. Both Jesus and the Declaration may not be Zionist, but based on what Zionists are doing, and have done for so long, can they not learn something different?
World opinion never mattered to Herzl. As you will read in the Ten Quotes, he believed that all non-Jews were Anti-Semites. That is nearly ALL THE WORLD. As my Note to that quote discusses, there are rabbinic opinions in the Babylonian Talmud that makes the atheist Herzl’s position seem tame indeed. And nearly all rabbis study the Babylonian Talmud more than Moses. Racism, rejecting others as an entire group, is the “battle cry” of Zionists who scream out at anyone who disagrees with them: Anti-Semite! When Herzl made his statement–which shapes all Israelis forever–he was doing worse than any Jew-hater. He set the Jews against nearly the ENTIRE WORLD.
Herzl was influenced by Moses Hess, a buddy with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Now American Evangelicals–many who read and believe the Zionist interpretations of history in their Zionist-paid Scofield Bibles–are not cozy with Communism. So, again, Zionists learning something from their Jesus could be a positive today, even though the atheist Herzl had no use for him. Some of those Evangelicals are praying for a nuclear World War 3, so Jesus can return to Jerusalem and set up his reign. There will not be a Jerusalem if World War 3 occurs. Maybe Jesus is better than Scofield, or Herzl.
The Truth Sets You Free. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” I testify this is true. In 2013, when I read quote Number Six, from that day forward I despised Herzl.
Yet in 2024, when I began to read Herzl’s diaries, when I objectively began to read his own words in his daily entries, my hate melted into compassion. I learned from his own mind what he was thinking. I could see not only personal similarities with me at my worst, especially when I was young. I also could tell that this man, so driven and obsessed with himself creating a Jewish State to offer to his beloved Jewish people, had in my view–based on my knowledge of several editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders –mental illness. I no longer could hate Herzl. I had compassion for him. God’s Spirit whispered to me, “John, understand this man, who was not a monster.”
So now I offer to the world TEN QUOTES in German, with my translations, and with some comments somewhere between important and interesting, but–as if my personality style, honest, forthright, carefully reasoned, and personal.
Theodor Herzl
Father of the Zionist State
Authority for Israeli Education, Institutions, Goals, and Vision
Hidden Hand Controlling U.S. Foreign Policy
Quote #1: All Non-Jews Are Anti-Semites
“Die Völker, bei denen Juden wohnen, sind alle sammt und sonders, verschämt oder unverschämt Antisemiten.” [Der Judenstaat, “Die Judenfrage,” par. 9].
“The peoples, among whom the Jews live, are altogether and in particular, ashamed or unashamed anti-Semites.”
NOTE: As offensive as Herzl’s blanket condemnation was, he was an atheist greatly moved by Antisemitism, and by the author of “Rome and Jerusalem,” Moses Hess, closely connected with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Yet Herzl’s statement is tame indeed, compared with what rabbis since the Sixth Century have studied, learned, taught to Jews, and kept from non-Jews, about non-Jews. This is the collection of rabbinic discussions found in Talmud Bavli, the Babylonian Talmud, considered HIGHER than Moses’ law by Talmudic Jews. Here are a few examples Talmudic statements regarding non-Jews from just one of 63 Tractates, Sanhedrin, in sequential order. The brackets include the citation, and the page in the Sonchino translation, which I own. (1) Jew can kill a non-Jew without penalty [57A:388]. (2) A Jew can withhold pay from a non-Jew [57A:389]. (3) A non-Jew who strikes a Jew is worthy of death [58B:398]. (4) A non-Jew who keeps a day of rest deserves death [58B:399]. (5) A non-Jew who studies the Torah deserves death [59A:400]. These “authoritative” statements are racist, and taught by many rabbis to Jews who trust them. Be shocked again by Talmudic statements sexual activity with children. (5) A Jew having sex with a child below 9 years old and a day is not pederasty [54B:371,372]. (6) A Jewish man may have sex with a Jewish baby girl no younger than “3 years and a day acquired in marriage by coitus” [55B:376]. I welcome corrections. So Theodor Herzl’s blanket-statement that people like me are “Anti-Semites”–without ever having met me and other non-Jews (or non-Zionists) are racist, enemy-making, and fed to every Israeli, from infancy to service in the IDF, and government. The Basic Law of Return, which promises any Jew in the world a home in Israel, a law in effect since 1950, ensures that all Jewish emigres will “have a home” in Israel, which requires such “land-clearing” and then “settlements,” as non-Zionist Muslims, Christians, and others are pushed out or slain by actions to remove all “Anti-Semites.”
Quote #2: Israel a Wall Against Asian Barbarians
“Für Europa würden wir dort ein Stück des Walles gegen Asien bilden, wir würden den Vorpostendienst der Cultur gegen die Barbarei besorgen.” [Der Judenstaat, “Palestina oder Argentinien,” par. 3]
“For Europe, we will build there a part of a wall against Asia, we will provide an outpost-service of culture against the barbarians.”

NOTE: Herzl here exhibited a racism completely common to all Westerners at the time, when he proposed that a Jewish State would be “part of a wall against all Asia.” At this time in 1896, “Asia” really meant the Ottoman Empire. Yet he bowed and scraped falsely to the “barbarian” Abdul Hamid the Second, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. In his Der Judenstaat, Herzl publicly offered the Sultan with a “generous offer” for the Jews to assume part the Ottoman debt [“Wir können der jetzigen Landeshoheit … einen Teil ihrer Staatsschulden übernehmen,” last paragraph of section, “Der Plan”], as if the Sultan would warm up to an audacious Jew publicly insulting that Turkey needed anything from any Jew. Yet privately Herzl would mock Hamid in his diaries. However, whatever Herzl would say privately about Hamid in his diaries, he was just as rude to some of his most loyal oldest supporters, such as Baron Maurice de Hirsch. This he duplicated with the Rothschilds he fawned and courted. In his diaries are entries for Albert, Alfred Charles, Alphonse, Edmond, Henri, Constance (Lady Battersea), Leopold, Nathaniel, and the Family Council (Rothschild Familien Rat), including some of his speeches to cajole their financial support. Yet, on 13 February 1901, he slashed away at Edmond Rothschild, who refused to see him, “Maintenant c’est bien fini des Rothschild” – “Now it’s over with the Rothschilds“ (Tagebücher 2:576, pars. 7-8). This was a pattern with Herzl, and it is fair to say that Hamid got tame treatment compared to some fellow Jews. Perhaps the Zionist Chaim Weitzmann also learned from Herzl. He also was the perfect hypocrite in his falsely humble, manipulative talks with Emir Faisal the First, King of Hejaz (today’s Iraq). He had only one goal. He wanted Faisal to sign a formal document saying Arabs could get along with Jews. He wanted this for one reason. At the time of these conversations, the so-called “Great Powers” assembled at Versailles–carving up the world after World War 1–were considering what the Zionist lobby was hounding them for, the approval of a Mandate for Palestine, the beginning formal step towards the Zionist plan. Weitzmann wanted a document, “proof that their proposal would not stir up the Middle East into a hornet’s nest of conflict. Weizmann got his now-infamous Weitzmann-Faisal Agreement, and he waved it around like a flag, and all the delegates had their copies. The Mandate was approved. Manipulation and lies, not transparency in dialogue and debate, towards consensus, was the Zionist standard, begun in Herzl himself.
Quote #3: Israel a Buffer-State for Anti-Semite Governments
“Ich sagte, ‘Denn wir werden also ein kleiner Buffer-state benützt werden. We shall get it not from the goodwill, but from the jealousy of the Powers. Und wenn wir in El Arish unter dem Union Jack sind, so wird dann auch unser Palästina in the British sphere of influence fallen.’ Das schien ihm nicht übel einzuleuchten.” [24 April 1903, Tagebücher, Vol. 3, p. 413, par. 5, to p. 413, par. 5, to p. 414, par. 2]
“I said, ‘For we shall be used, therefore, as a small buffer-state. We shall get [that status] not from the goodwill, but from the jealousy of the Powers [Western Nations]. And when we are in El Arish under the Union Jack, then also our Palestine will fall under the British sphere of influence.’ That appeared to him not implausible.”
NOTE: In this quote Herzl was reporting in his diary his conversation with Neville Chamberlain in London. The context preceding the quote is important, which is in the diary. The entry for 24 April 1903 is quite long. Chamberlain and he were discussing much about Asia Minor and Palestine. Just prior to the statement above, Chamberlain–who did not speak German–made this comment through his interpreter to Herzl: “In Kleinasien…haben wir immer weniger Interessen…. Ich frage mich, was dann das Schicksal Ihrer jüdischen Kolonie in Palästina wäre, auch wenn es Ihnen bis dahin gelänge, si zu errichten?” TRANSLATION: “In Asia Minor we have less and less interests. I ask you, what then would be the fate of your Jewish colony in Palestine, even if you achieve to the point of setting it up?” Chamberlain was asking “what then” if Britain abandoned Asia Minor and Palestine, because Britain no longer was interested in them? Herzl may have been jolted a little, since this cut across his goal for a “Western Protector to guarantee” his Jewish State. This concern will be quoted below. Chamberlain’s question was a normal one, for any Nation with changing priorities. Yet Herzl’s answer reveals his manipulative viewpoint, and methods for swaying others. He sidestepped. He appealed to envy, not reason. His response said that, once the British Union Jack was planted in Egyptian El Arish, 28 miles south of Rafah, not Palestine, then Britain would be the envy of the other Nations. This is how I read his answer, but I welcome correction, based on the words in this conversation, but never from other sources.
Quote #4: Israel’s Existence Guaranteed by European Anti-Semites
“Zeigen sich nun die Mächte bereit, dem Judenvolke die Souveränetät eines neutralen Landes zu gewähren, so wird die Society über das zu nehmende Land verhandeln…. Bermerkenswerte Kolonisierungsversuche haben auf diesen beiden Punkten staatgefunden. Allerdings nach dem falschen Prinzip der allmählichen Infiltration von Juden. Die Infiltration muß immer schlecht enden. Die Auswanderung hat folglich nur dann einen Sinn, wenn ihre Grundlage unsere gesicherte Souveränetät ist…. Wir würden als neutraler Staat im Zusammenhange bleiben mit ganz Europa, das unsere Existenz garantiren müsste.” [Der Judenstaat, “Der Plan,” par. 14, and “Palästina oder Argentinien,” par. 3].
“Now if the [Western National] Powers show themselves ready to grant to the Jewish people the sovereignty of a neutral land, then the Society [of the Jews] will negotiate on that land to be assumed…. Remarkable colonizing attempts have taken place on these two areas [Palestine and Argentina]. But on the false principle of gradual infiltration. Infiltration always must end badly. The emigration has, consequently, only then makes sense, when its foundation is our secured sovereignty. We would be as a neutral State, staying in connection with all Europe, which must guarantee our existence.”
NOTE: Notice Herzl’s concern that other Western Anti-Semite Nations would “guarantee their existence.” Why? He knew the indigenous Arabs would resist being kicked out or murdered by Jews. He needed the West–even through he firmly believed non-Jews were antisemitic and foolishly inferior. Yet he had to use them for their military protection. What does military protection mean? Hardware. Soldiers dying. Vast expenses. All not Jewish but non-Jew pawns Zionists never respected. Herzl was more than happy to manipulate the West. Britain was the first “protector.” Yet the Zionists (1) murdered Brits, Americans, and others in the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1944; (2) assassinated the Brit Walter Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne–not in Palestine but in Cairo–on 6 November 1944; and after that, (3) assassinated an extremely kind and good man, the outstanding Swedish diplomat, Folke Bernadotte, on 17 September 1948. The Zionist State kills off both non-Jews and Jews, whenever they believe they are done with them, or they are a threat. The standing ovations in the U.S. Congress always are paid for, not earned.
Quote #5: Pick the Land, Treaty with Present Sovereigns, Negotiate the Western Guarantees
“Sobald wir Land festgestellt und Praeliminarvertrag mit jetzigem Souverän haben, beginnen diplomatische Unterhandlungen mit allen Mächten für Garantie.” [7 June 1895, Tagebücher, Vol. 1, p. 46].
“As soon as we have decided on the land and concluded a preliminary treaty with its present sovereign, we shall start diplomatic negotiations with all the great [Western political] Powers for guarantee [of protection from indigenous resistance].”
NOTE: Presumption, presumption, presumption. “As soon as we have concluded a treaty…then we get our guarantee of protection from the West.” Herzl already knew his decision to choose Palestine had grave flaws which would generate bloody resistance from indigenous inhabitants who had lived there for centuries, who held written deeds of land ownership, who had worked for generations on their land and building its value according to their choices. This was June of 1895. By 1896, in his pamphlet, Der Judenstaat, he told his Jewish readers precisely what he had in mind, on what form the guarantee would take: extermination.
Quote #6: Round Up the Indigenous and Drop a Bomb on Them
“Will man heute ein Land gründen, darf man es nicht in der Weise machen, die vor tausend Jahren die einzig mögliche gewesen wäre. Es ist töricht, auf alte Kulturstufen zurückzukehren, wie es manche Zionisten möchten. Kämen wir beispielsweise in die Lage, ein Land von wilden Thieren zu säubern, würden wir es nicht in der Art der Europäer aus dem fünften Jahrhundert thun. Wir würden nicht einzeln mit Speer und Lanze gegen Bären ausziehen, sondern eine grosse fröhliche Jagd veranstalten, die Bestien zusammentreiben und eine Melinitbombe unter sie werfen.” [Der Judenstaat, “Der Plan,” par. 8]
“”If one would found a Land today, one may not do it in the way which was done the only way possible a thousand years ago. It is stupid to revert to ancient cultural stages, as some Zionists would like [to build gradually]. For example, if we came to a situation to cleanse a land from wild beasts, we would not use the method of Europeans from the fifth century. We would not set off individually with spear and lance against the bears, but would organize a large happy hunting party, round up the beasts, and throw a Melinite-Bomb among them.”
Note: “Melinite” was a French innovation in explosives for war, highly volatile and more powerful than nitroglycerin. This was picric acid mixed with guncotten in 1887. Melinite bombs were the best weapons mass destruction for human personnel. They were made killing masses of people all at once, not animals. Herzl knew this. In mixing his metaphors the witty Herzl thought he was being crafty. He knew that flooding Palestine with Jews, who all were claiming, “This is our sovereign land, given to us by European Powers,” that the indigenous Arabs and Christians–85% Arab, 10% Christian, 5% Jewish, all living together in peace–would not merely disagree. Herzl’s “wild beasts and bears” were his cunningly phrased predictions of angry resistance by the indigenous Arabs and Christians in Palestine. But he is to be commended for his honesty in what he would propose for the “military solution” to angry hordes of human targets. He knew the latest WMA of his day, the Melinitbombe. The Zionists would “go on their happy hunting party,” round up the indigenous, and blow them to bits, in one big bang. This is what Herzl envisioned in 1896. His nasty little analogy was precisely similar to the Nazi doctrine of Lebensraum, “living space”; clearing the land of indigenous, so the conquerors could breed and enjoy the fruits of bloody victory. We today are seeing this prophecy fulfilled in our time. Because of what happened in 1948, what Arabs call the Nakbah (the Catastrophe) when 750,000 Arabs experienced what you should research, since Zionists do not want that to happen.
Quote #7: Manipulation of the “Big Jews” and Readiness to “Wreck” an Old Friend
“Ich war bei Hirsch, ich gehe zu Rothschild….Dabei will ich auch, wenn ich R’s bekomme, den armen Baron Hirsch nicht verstossen. Ich gebe ihm ein Vizepräsidium…. Übrigens fürchte ich die Divulgation meiner drei Briefe nicht–nur würde ich ihn in einer Schrift demolieren (das werde ich ihm seinerzeit ankündigen). Lieber möchte ich aber ihn und alle grossen Juden unter einen Hut bringen…. Ich bringe den R’s und grossen Juden ihre historische Mission. J’accueillerai toutes les bonnes voluntés–wir müssen einig sein–et éscraserai les mauvaises (sage ich drohend dem Familienrat… Wollen R’s nicht, so bringe ich die Sache vor Gesamtheit der Juden.” [5-6 June 1895, Tagebücher, Vol. 1, pp. 42-43]
“I have been to Hirsch, I am going to Rothschild….At the same time, I want also, when I develop the Rs [Rothschilds], not to alienate poor Baron [Maurice de] Hirsch [founder of the Jewish Colonization Association and invested it with 10 Millions Pounds Sterling]. I shall give him vice-presidency [in the future nation]…. As for the rest, I am not afraid of his divulging my three letters [private with statements that could hurt Herzl], I would just wreck him in a publication (as I will give him advance notice at that time), But I prefer to bring him and all the “Big Jews” under one flag…. I bring the Rs [Rothschilds] their historic mission. [in French, as if to the Rothschilds] “I will gather all men of good will”–[in German] we must be united–[picking up his imagined statement] “and I will erase the wicked” [in German] (I will say threatening to the [Rothschild] Family Council)…. If the Rs are unwilling, I shall take the matter before the entire Jewish population.”
NOTE: This is before Herzl published Der Judenstaat in 1896 The purpose of this quote is to see his drive, his maneuvering, and his immediate decision to “wreck” his old friend Hirsch, who had done more already in finance than Herzl ever would or could do, if Hirsch revealed his three letters to anyone. It is reasonable to speculate he feared the Rothschilds would read his letters to Hirsch. He had them in play. He was making his presentations. He did not want the competition of what he earlier had put into writing to a trusted friend. Now Hirsch WAS his friend, and no friend would do such a thing with the intention to harm. Nevertheless, Herzl was completely absent that thought. He simply feared his inner thoughts to Hirsch being revealed, because these would interfere with his current work to draw in the Rothschilds. Plotting and planning, plotting and planning, Herzl never ever–I do not think–matched his private and public thoughts, arising from being an honest, transparent, and unified personality.
Quote #8: Safeguard the Rothschild Fortune and Get Them, or Reverse It and Oppose Them
“I. Hauptpunkt: Ich löse die Frage, indem ich R’s Vermögen in Sicherheit bringe, oder umgekehrt. II. Hauptpunkt: Wenn ich’s micht mit R’s machen kann, mache ich’s gegen sie.” [7 June 1895, Tagebücher, Vol. 1, p. 45].
[Perhaps preparing notes for points of argument to present to the Rothschilds]: “First Main Point: I will solve the question while I bring to safety the Rothschild fortune, or by reversing it. Second Main Point: If I cannot do it with the Rothschilds, I shall do it against them.”
NOTE: Now again, this quote is from the day after the quote immediately above, and before Der Judenstaat. The point of including it is to illustrate Herzl’s personality and mental dysfunction, revealed at least in the diaries, but also by some views of his contemporaries who rejected him. Notice the complete lack of realism in perspective. He saw himself as–at least arguing the First Point–that his Jewish State idea would “save the Rothschild fortune” or if they rejected his idea, they would “reverse their fortune because of their refusal.” This is the substance, indicated in other diary entries. So we must ask this. Did Herzl believe that his project would REALLY help the Rothschilds, and that they needed to get on board, OR, was all this just verbiage to get their money? The Second Point I myself found, on the one hand, humorous that this pitiful little man could imagine that HE could do ANYTHING and oppose the most powerful family Dynasty in Europe and, on the other hand, if he told them this, how he was taking his life and handing it over to people FAR more powerful than he could imagine. Delusional thinking, grandiose thinking, unrealistic thinking, bizarre thinking, which could end both the Project and the Man.
Quote #9: Herzl Asks “Unselfishly” for One Billion in Capital from the Rothschild Family Council
“Dem Familienrat….Ich spreche von Ihren Vermögen–nicht weil Ihr Name Synonym des Geldes geworden…. Jetzt denken Sie …von denen ich–wenn auch nicht für mich–1000 Millionen will….” [9 June 1895, Tabebücher, Vol. 1, pp. 68-69].
“To the Family Council….I am talking about your fortune–not because your name has become synonymous with money….Now just imagine…from whom I want 1000 Million–albeit not for myself….”
NOTE: In 1896, a year or less later, Herzl would include in his pamphlet, Der Judenstaat, a discussion of the “Aktienkapital” but could not say exactly the amount it was. However, and I wonder whether he had this approved by the Rothshilds, he guesstimated, “will ich eine Milliarde Mark annehmen” or “I will take [care of] a Billion Mark.” [See Der Judenstaat, “III. DIE JEWISH COMPANY: Grundzüge,” paragraph 2]. Regarding the One Billion gold Marks, we do not know the value at the time. Surely incredible. However, 1,000,000,000 gold German Marks today would be $23,750,000,000 Trillion USD. I arrive at this figure by calculating the single unit rate of a 20 Mark gold “Prussia” coin [7.965 Grams of 90% gold] at $475 USD [the price on 23 June 2024). 1,000,000,000 ÷ 20 = 50,000,000 X $475 USD = $23,750,000,000,000 Trillion USD]. Any person today doubting that the Rothschilds did not have disposable trillions in 1895, when Herzl was begging, is, in my opinion, a completely uniformed person. Research the Rothschild Dynasty up to that time, and all its brilliant decisions. Were they all within the laws of the Nations where they invested? They were precisely like the so-called “Christians” in America or any other Nation who do whatever they can “get away with,” if there is no EVIDENCE upon which charges can be brought, or if government officials cannot be bought, then most government officials fear assassination, murders of their families, public ruin, etc. Jesus has nothing to do with business practices of most “Christians” since the Churches made him into a “savior figure” who is their instrumental means of a ticket to heaven, and a “Get Out of Hell Free” card, NOT a Master and Authority over them. Jesus DEMANDED obedience in John 14:15; 14:21; 14:23; 14:24; 15:10; and 15:14. Yet nearly all the Churches’ theologians and preachers do not really care what Jesus commanded, because their traditions override God’s tranferral of authority to Jesus in Matthew 11:27; Luke 10:22; John 3:35; John 17:2; Matthew 28:18b. They actually teach their peoples things that will have been incinerated on the Day of Judgment. Christians love to criticize the Rothschilds, who surely can be criticized. I have my criticisms and know some of their current agents. However, the Rothschilds never should be condemned for being more adept at whatever they do than the pseud-Christians who dabble as amateurs.
Quote #10: Herzl Offers the Rothschild Heirs Choice Leadership in the Future Jewish State
“Dem Familienrat: Ihre aelteren Herren werden uns mit ihrem Finanz-Bank-, Bahn- und politischen Rat beistehen, diplomantische Dienste leisten usw. Ihre Söhne … werden im Heer, in Diplomatie usw. nach ihren Fähigkeiten –führende Rollen spielen, Provinzen verwalten usw.! Mit Ihren Töchtern werden Sie unsere besten Offiziere, feinsten Künstler, genialsten Beamten belohnen…. Es soll nur Ihr Geld recht weit zerstreut werden.” [14 June 1895, Tagebücher, Vol. 1, p. 114].
“To the Family Council: Your older men will assist us with their advice as to finances, banking, railroads, and politics, perform diplomatic services for us, etc. Your sons…will be in positions of leadership in the army, the diplomatic corps…govern provinces, etc.! With your daughters you will reward our best officers, our finest artists and most brilliant officials…. The main thing is that your money be scattered far and wide.”
NOTE: Note this occurs only five days after the diary entry above. It would appear that Herzl was overeager to acquire Rothschild money, and so began promising multi-generations of Rothschilds “benefits of leadership authority” to a nonexistent Jewish State, just for the measly sum of One Billion gold Marks. This again points to a number of mental and personality issues. I will not list what I see, though I have read and used psychiatric literature in my studies and teaching about violent personalities. I cannot imagine what the quite sharp Rothschilds thought about Herzl on this subject of getting his hands on their money, or persuading them to become his bankers, according to HIS vision, instead of the vision of some Rothschilds who already had invested in Jewish Colonization long before the zealous newsreporter ever crossed their thresholds.
Motives for This Study
This academic yet personal essay is motivated by four forces. The first is religious. The second is historical necessity. The third is ethical responsibility. The fourth is religious and moral duty.
First, my love for the Jew, Jesus. He is beloved by 2.4 Billion Christians and 1.9 Billion Muslims, just over half the global population. (Only Jewish and Christian propaganda prevents the entire non-Muslim world from learning that ALL Muslims love and honor Jesus, because their Quran refers to him ninety-seven times, and love and honor his mother, Mary, and believe in her immaculate conception, because their Quran refers lovingly to her seventy times). This I myself only learned within the past decade, because I started to read for myself, instead of listening to hateful others. So even a sixty-year old can continue learning. I am seventy-one now.
Jesus said in John 8:32, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” We will see who will be set free by the mere quotation of the words of the “Father of the State of Israel.”
Second, Herzl’s words must become public due to events in our time: Gaza, and Escalations towards World War 3. The words quoted here in German (and translated) of Theodor Herzl, “Spiritual Father of the Jewish State.” That is what he is called in the fourth paragraph of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. Nothing will change those words, whatever external interpretations are imposed to filter them by partisans or opponents. Nothing will change that Zionist Jews have been reading these words since 1896. Nothing will change The Herzl Law passed by the Israeli Knesset on 29 June 2004, making ALL of Herzl’s words and deeds an annual Israeli week of celebration, study, discussion, and implementation for–according to this Nation without a Constitution–“the education of future generations, and the structuring of the State of Israel, its institutions, goals and image in accordance with his Zionist vision.”
- Nothing will change that some Zionist Jews who read Herzl’s words for the first time in German, will sit down and consider many things potentially for revision, or definitely for denunciation.
- Nothing will change that some will regret ever killing someone they never met.
- Nothing will change that some Americans who read Herzl’s words for the first time ever–Jew, Christian, Muslim, believer, unbeliever, government official, thoughtful reading citizen unswayed by some political or theological “filter”–will sit down and consider many things potentially for revision, or definitely for denunciation.
- Nothing will change that all Muslims in the world who read Herzl’s words for the first time in German, will have several things occur to them: (1) they will understand the Zionists around them and in the world and (2) they also will see how the State of Israel is shaped and driven by a national law that mandates all Israelis learn and model an atheist who some Muslim psychiatrists will say, without hatred, had mental problems.
Third, Herzl must be understood as a Whole Person, not a man known by one hellish quote. I spoke about my love for Jesus. One command for which Jesus was and is famous, and which he obeyed throughout and right up to his last breath, is “Love your enemies.” I have a tendency to HATE not my enemies, but murderers of people, and murderers of the TRUTH, or LIARS. Now let me tell you about my changed viewpoint about Theodor Herzl.
In 2013, I was a historian who read–with shock and rage–Herzl’s statements in 1896 in his pamphlet, Der Judenstaat:
- that all non-Jews were “Anti-Semites” (and me a supporter of all Jews and the State of Israel from 1966 to 2013)
- that Zionist Jews would use a military strategy to settle their Jewish State by “a happy hunting party, rounding up the beasts, and dropping a bomb among them,” exterminating angry Arabs who lost their lands and happiness, who naturally would be as all of us would be, extremely angry at strangers flooding their land and saying, “a foreign power gave us this land, which is ours,” and
- that the Zionist State would have “its existence guaranteed by Gentile governments” persuaded by Zionists to use their blood and treasure to defend Zionists for their extermination policy, who Herzl knew, would be targeted FOREVER by all Muslims surrounding Palestine, who forever aggrieved and united to slay the murderers of their innocent Muslim kin.”
Here I am, a historian who only this year, in 2024, who has just begun to read–with shock, new realization, and now real compassion for a dead man I used to hate–Herzl’s diaries, his Tagebücher, his diaries, which show me:
- that Herzl almost never referred to anyone with kindness, mercy, compassion, or love
- that Herzl constantly was driven by megalomania
- that Herzl constantly saw other persons as “means to his end, the Jewish State”
- that Herzl constantly used other Jews, everywhere and in all positions, for his vision
- that Herzl functioned, apparently, with a personality deformation that was crippling
- that Herzl likely did not feel loved, but as an atheist, that his vision gave him meaning
You need to see from this historical essay that Jesus Christ was correct. The truth does set us free. You will be set free if you seek and accept the truth. Just as I knew nothing about Islam, before I began reading the Quran for myself, and becoming friends with Muslims, talking with them, asking them questions, then counter-questions, the same is true about Herzl. To read one nasty statement he REALLY believed, is not to know a sick man.
Fourth, I dearly Love and Defend The Innocent. Jesus said in Matthew 7:12, “In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you, for this is the Torah and Prophets.” You do not want anyone to come and steal your land, home, olive groves, orchards. You do not want your children shot by snipers for walking in front of someone taught that your precious children or teens are insects or animals without souls. You know who you are, or want to be. You know you just want to be loved. You want to be safe. You want peace. You want your family to have food, shelter, clothing, and to be kept free from worry.
I pray that the Zionists will stop killing innocent people because of a sincere man with a dream of PEACE and SAFETY for Jews, yet who was, I think, mentally and spiritually ill. God, may this little essay do at least one good thing for one person who needed it.
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