The picture above is intended to convey the general intended purpose of THE ETHICAL LEADER.I took this photograph one summer day immediately after I had crossed the Kentucky River into Gratz, Kentucky.  The past several years had been pretty tough on me.  Yet when I saw that bridge, I immediately saw in it a symbol for me to claim for myself.

The editorial content of THE ETHICAL LEADER is supposed to carry the following principles for YOU!  Each new day is like this bridge.

  • Your past is behind you.  Old paths led you to where you are now.  Some were unhealthy and harmful.  You can stay in the old familiar territories, if you choose.
  • Your present choices today lead you into the future.  Keep the best of the past to guide you today.  You can enter into new, promising decisions and actions today, if you choose.
  • Follow the straight path.  Look ahead to verdant life.  Leave the past in the past.  Be optimistic as you cross over into new territory.  You are not alone.  I am doing the same.  We are doing this together!

Reader, you and I have walked different paths.  Where you stand, and where I stand, are different places.  Yet in writing these occasional essays here, I firmly and truly believe that–though you and I never will meet face to face–if we decide today to use our present breathes and lives to be ethical, true, honest, and good–we are on THE SAME PATH.

Browse the folders to the right.  If you like what you read, sign up for feeds and pass this on to your friends.  Ask for a serious question to be addressed, and it will be considered.  May God Bless You on YOUR Journey!

John Dudley Willis, PhD, President
Leadership Ethics Online