I am not saying, give guns to these men. These are, according to what the Zionists say, terrorists, and not fathers and brothers and uncles. You do not see the guns here, when they are carrying what LOOK like “shrouds.”
BUT, if you are Mossad or IDF, you KNOW you are smarter than the rest of us. You KNOW that these seeming shrouds may have deadly pistols, grenades, knives, that might KILL some innocent Israeli baby, child, teen, or member of the IDF, or a senior, or a Jewish business person.
But we cannot have THAT! We have heard some say that one dead Israeli must cost the Palestinians at LEAST ten of theirs. Some asshole Gentile will say, this is not the Mosaic principle, “Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth.” That that is why the Goy is an asshole. Every Jew knows that a Jew has a soul, but the Palestinian (or Goy) animals do not. They are beasts of burden for the Jew, or to be swept from the Earth.
I got that! I do. So I am not saying, give bullets and bombs to these men! Or I am not saying to the IDF, “Do not pull these potentially terrorist-weapons shrouds out of their arms, to tear and cut them open–but carefully! so you will not be harmed!” Oh Yes! I am saying, please! Please! Please! Protect the innocent Israelis of all ages, and just make SURE that there are no pistols or grenades hidden in them. Oh YES! These men with angry faces likely are terrorists, and if they resist the IDF just doing their job, and refuse to surrender these seeming-shrouds, then “disarm them” by shooting off their arms, so you can get to those little packages that likely are hiding murder weapons. Yes! Please protect the Israelis, all of them. Watch out for these terrorist men, so treacherous!
But what if the Mossad and IDF “just do their job” and rip open these seeming-shrouds and THEN, they just find the bits and pieces of babies and children? Then I have a Moral Question–not to the Jews, because they must not be questioned in anything they do. Here is my question to ALL THE NON-JEWS WITH BABIES AND CHILDREN:
Can we give Bullets, Bombs, RPGs, Phosphorus, C4, Laser Sights
NOT to Dangerous Adult Terrorists
Like Vengeful Mothers and Fathers
Brothers and Sisters
Aunts and Uncles
Grandmas and Grandpas?
The ONLY reason I say that someone, someone, should give EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to the Babies and Children, EVERYTHING THE IDF HAS furnished by the United States, and any other Non-Jews, is this:
IF if the babies and children can carry the DEFENSIVE weapons, and are strong enough to aim it since they are quite weak right now, then we have some JUST WAR where they can DEFEND OTHERS LIKE THEMSELVES, Not Parents, Not Siblings from age 12 up (since they can carry bigger stuff and be the terrorists they have in their genes), Not Aunts and Uncles, Not Granny nor Grampa, NO ADULT TERRORISTS.
BUT, these Babies and Children MUST:
1. Be interrogated FIRST to ensure they are not “terrorist plants.” If found to be so, their heads may be cut off and put on display for other Baby and Child Candidates for Peaceful Self-Defense.
2. NOT be given additional food, medicine, water, or any special clothing, since these might AID GROWTH into full-sized terrorists.
3. Be commanded that their Certificates of Pure Self-Defense of OTHER BABIES AND CHILDREN NEVER EVER will be used to defend ANY ADULT, or else, the Bearer of said Certificate will be disemboweled before the entire squad, as a lesson.
4. Be educated in the principles of the Father of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, the honoree of THE HERZL LAW, the Annual Event in the Zionist State, whose ideas and legacy are being carried out in this Righteous War against the terrorists, wherever they may be, as Father Herzl wrote in the Israeli Bible, Herzl’s Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) in 1896:
Will man heute ein Land gründen, darf man es nicht in der Weise machen, die vor tausend Jahren die einzig mögliche gewesen wäre. Es ist töricht, auf alte Kulturstufen zurückzukehren, wie es manche Zionisten möchten. Kämen wir beispielsweise in die Lage, ein Land von wilden Thieren zu säubern, würden wir es nicht in der Art der Europäer aus dem fünften Jahrhundert thun. Wir würden nicht einzeln mit Speer und Lanze gegen Bären ausziehen, sondern eine grosse fröhliche Jagd veranstalten, die Bestien zusammentreiben und eine Melinitbombe unter sie werfen.” [Der Judenstaat, “Der Plan,” par. 8]
“”If one would found a Land today, one may not do it in the way which was done the only way possible a thousand years ago. It is stupid to revert to ancient cultural stages, as some Zionists would like [to build gradually]. For example, if we came to a situation to cleanse a land from wild beasts, we would not use the method of Europeans from the fifth century. We would not set off individually with spear and lance against the bears, but would organize a large happy hunting party, round up the beasts, and throw a Melinite-Bomb among them.”
Benefits for the Glorious Zionist State:
1. The Mossad and IDF, and the Aggrieved Settlers Associations could cite this as ONE MORE example of the “Most Moral Army in the World,” as Netanyahu once proudly stated.
2. The Knesset and its Legal Staff could cite these properly examined and certified Babies and Children as ONE MORE example of the “Best Democracy in the World,” suitable for the examination and approval, and global circulation in all Chosen Media, when this Righteous Initiative would be approved by the Geneva Convention, the United Nations, and the International Criminal Courts.